June 30, 2024

Join us at 9:30am and 6:00pm for worship in-person and online! See our online landing page here or our livestream link here.

Morning Order of Worship: Download Here

Morning Sermon:
Psalm 6 - “Overwhelmed With Tears” - David Rountree


Requests we should give God (1-4a)

  1. Request God's grace and mercy (1).

  2. Request God's nearness (2-4a).

Reasons we should give God (4b-7)

  1. Pray because of who he is (4b).

  2. Pray because of what God deserves (v.5).

  3. Pray because of who he loves (6-7).

After Prayer Presume Grace (8-10)

SONG List:

Come People of the Risen King
All My Boast is in Jesus
Jesus Your Mercy
Abide With Me
We Will Feast in the House of Zion

Evening Order of Worship: Download Here

Evening Sermon:
Psalm 7 - “Praise God From Whom All Justice Flows” - Jonathan Wisdom


  1. Responding to Injustice (1-5)

  2. Calling On Our God of Justice (6-11)

  3. Trusting in God's Justice (12-17)

SONG List:

How Firm a Foundation
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
The King of Love My Shepherd Is