
March 30, 2025

Join us at 9:30am for worship at 301 Simpson Road, Anderson, SC 29621.

Viewing online? Check out our online landing page and livestream link.

Listen to prior sermons here: Apple or Android

Order of Worship: Download Here

Sermon: John 3:1-21 - “Must Be Born Again” - David Rountree




The 4 Point application from Num. 21:5-9:

  1. Sin leads to death.

  2. Only God can provide the remedy of life.

  3. The remedy must involve a substitutionary atonement.

  4. True faith must be exercised to receive the benefits of the substitute.

The four-point application in John 3:14-21:

  1. All of us have sinned and the wages of sin is death.

  2. God's love provides the remedy for man's sin, namely, the substitutionary life of Christ.

  3. Christ, our remedy was not sent to judge us.

  4. Man must have true faith in order to receive spiritual rebirth.

SONG List:

All Creatures of Our God and King
In Christ Alone
Help Us See Christ
Grace Alone

Listen to our full library of songs for Sunday worship: Apple | Spotify

March 23, 2025

Join us at 9:30am for worship at 301 Simpson Road, Anderson, SC 29621.

Viewing online? Check out our online landing page and livestream link.

Listen to prior sermons here: Apple or Android

Order of Worship: Download Here

Sermon: John 2:12-25 - “The Anger of Christ When Temple Cleansing” - David Rountree


Christ’s Path to Anger Expressed (vv. 12-17)

Christ’s Purpose for Anger Explained (vv. 18-25)

Christ’s Plan for Application Embraced

  1. See and be grateful for God’s love through the rage he displays.

  2. Worship with God’s purposes and not our own selfish purposes.

  3. Learn to worship as heart-givers not market-consumers.

SONG List:

Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord)
Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless Love
My Worth is Not in What I Own
Psalm 62 (I’ll Not Be Shaken)

Listen to our full library of songs for Sunday worship: Apple | Spotify

March 16, 2025

Join us at 9:30am for worship at 301 Simpson Road, Anderson, SC 29621.

Viewing online? Check out our online landing page and livestream link.

Listen to prior sermons here: Apple or Android

Order of Worship: Download Here

Sermon: John 2:1-11 - “The Glory of Jesus When Turning Water to Wine” - David Rountree


Removing the glory

  1. Drunkenness is Sin.

  2. We must not call the possession of or consumption of alcohol a sin.

  3. The right way to deal with the abuse of alcohol is neither by abstinence or legalism.

  4. The weaker brother passages (Rom. 14:13, 21; 1 Cor. 8:13) do not require or teach total abstinence.

  5. We must learn to love what God loves and hate what God hates.

Reviewing the glory

Reflection on the glory

  1. The glory of Christ’s supernatural assistance.

  2. The glory of Christ’s fellowship.

  3. The glory of Christ’s generosity.

  4. The glory of Christ’s humility.

SONG List:

Psalm 29 (The Voice of the Lord)
Jesus Paid It All
Jesus Fount of Joy Eternal
All Glory Be to Christ

Listen to our full library of songs for Sunday worship: Apple | Spotify