
Sovereign Over Us - November 2019

God’s sovereignty is simultaneously one of the most difficult and comforting doctrines. It leaves us with unanswered questions, unexplained emotions, and yet seeks to form us with unwavering assurance of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Though our “Why’s” don’t always get a detailed answer, we have a King who both “rules over all” (Ps 103:19) and loves us and knows us intimately. In fact, we have a God who loves us so much that sometimes He calls us to walk through various “valleys” for our own good!

Of course, this doesn’t always feel good, which is what the song “Sovereign Over Us” holds in tension and helps us express. Not to be suppressed, our God-given emotions may be just the very vehicle God uses for communicating His love to us in the midst of trying, or even tragic, circumstances. For His strength is sufficient to sustain us in our weakness (2 Cor 12:9-11).


Maybe you’re in a valley right now? As seen in our recent “Living Without” series, the Psalms provide us with gut-wrenching examples of crying out to our good, faithful, and sovereign God, who is the “lifter of the lowly” (Ps 145:14). He sees you. Loves you. Upholds you. Though His ways and His timing don’t always make sense to us (Is 55:8-9), perhaps He’s stirring within us a greater trust and dependence on Him that can only be learned through such trials. And perhaps our Father is drawing you, His child, closer and closer to Himself in intimate communion.

Whether we’ve been through valleys recently or not, Jesus promised that at some point we all will (Jn 16:33). How are you preparing now? How are you preparing to praise God in valley? It’s our hope that Biblically packed songs like this will help us cry out to God, and prepare us to trust and look to Him, even when the world seems to be caving in on us.

- Jonathan

Sovereign Over Us

Written by Aaron Keyes, Bryan Brown, Jack Mooring


Verse 1:

There is strength within the sorrow (Ps 46:1, 2Co 12:9)
There is beauty in our tears (Ps 42:1-4, 126:5)
And You meet us in our mourning (Ps 30:11-12, Is 41:10)
With a love that casts out fear (1 John 4:18)

You are working in our waiting (Ps 27:14, Rom 8:25)
Sanctifying us (Rom 5:3-5, Phil 2:13, Ja 1:2-4)
When beyond our understanding (Deut 29:29)
You're teaching us to trust (Phil 4:19)


Your plans are still to prosper (Jer 29:11, Ps 35:27)
You've not forgotten us (Deut 31:6, Ps 94:14-15, Mt 28:20)
You're with us in the fire and the flood (Is 43:2, Dan 3:25)
Faithful forever, perfect in love (Ps 146:6, 1 Pet 4:19)
You are sovereign over us (Is 46:9-10, Ps 115:3, Eph 1:3-14)

Verse 3

You are wisdom unimagined (Rom 11:33-34)
Who could understand Your ways? (Is 55:8-9)
Reigning high above the heavens (Ps 103:19)
Reaching down in endless grace (Ps 57:3, Jn 1:16)

You're the lifter of the lowly (Ps 30:1-3, 145:14)
Compassionate and kind (Ps 94:18-19, Is 49:13)
You surround and You uphold me (Ps 5:11-12)
And Your promises are my delight (Ps 37:4, 2 Cor 1:20)


Even what the enemy means for evil (Rom 9:17)
You *mean it for our good (Gen 50:20)
And for Your glory (Ex 14:4, Is 42:8)

Even in the valley You are faithful (Ps 23:4, 86:15)
You're working for our good (Lam 3:22-23, Rom 8:28)
And for Your glory (Is 48:9-11, Rom 11:36)

© 2011 Jack Mooring Music, Meaux Jeaux Music, Thankyou Music, worshiptogether.com songs

*Original lyric is “turn”, but we sing “mean” with written permission from the songwriter.

O Lord My Rock and My Redeemer - October 2019

On any given Sunday, when God’s people gather, we come from various places in our weeks. Some enter having celebrated joyous milestones like weddings and births. Some from the “status quo” in the regularity of life. And some come bearing the weight of work stresses, family tension, or real tragedies. In all of these situations, what do we need most? To gaze upon the glory of our God and Savior.

When the allures of this life draw us in, we’re reminded that “true delight is found in God alone.” When we casually approach the Lord for the 300th Sunday in a row, we’re reminded that His grace is “a well too deep to fathom.” And when we’re bogged down by life’s trials, we’re reminded that our Lord is our “Rock and Redeemer”, a strong shield and defender, who guarantees our refuge by His faithfulness. And ultimately, our hope lives in our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, who broke the bonds of our sin and shame, conquering the grave and death!

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Modern hymn “O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer” helps us posture ourselves in three ways before God.

Verse 1: We begin by orienting our praise first to God’s good character and our desperate need for Him.

Verse 2 continues this thought by giving us vocabulary to claim God’s power to persevere under trial.

Verse 3: And of course, the hymn crescendos to look at Christ’s atoning death and glorious resurrection.

In light of our “Representation” in Christ we’ve been learning in Romans 5. His death is our death to sin. And his resurrection is our resurrection to new life. Here and for eternity. Let us cry out to God together as we sing.

- Jonathan

O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer

Written by Nathan Stiff



O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer (Ps 19:14)
Greatest treasure of my longing soul (Ps 42:1; Matt 13:44; Phil 3:8)
My God, like You there is no other (1 Sam 2:2; 2 Sam 7:22)
True delight is found in You alone (Ps 1:2, 37:4, 73:26; Mt 6:33)
Your grace, a well too deep to fathom (Ps 103:12; Rm 5:20; Eph 2:7)
Your love exceeds the heavens’ reach (Ps 19:1, 36:5, 103:11)
Your truth, a fount of perfect wisdom (Ps 19:7; Pr 9:10; Col 2:2-3; Ja 1:5)
My highest good and my unending need (Ps 40:17, 136:1; Rm 8:28)

O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer (Ps 18:2)
Strong defender of my weary heart (Ps 50:15, 145:19)
My sword to fight the cruel deceiver (Ps 28:7-8; Heb 4:12)
And my shield against his hateful darts (Gen 15:1; Ps 91:3; Eph 6:16)
My song when enemies surround me (Deut 33:27; Ps 40:3)
My hope when tides of sorrow rise (Rm 5:1-2; Col 1:27; 1 Pt 1:3)
My joy when trials are abounding (Rm 5:3-5; Ja 1:2; 1 Pt 1:6)
Your faithfulness, my refuge in the night (Ps 46:1, 62:7; 91:4; 2 Th 3:3)

O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer (Ps 62:2)
Gracious Savior of my ruined life (Ps 51:1-2; Lk 2:11, 19:10; Rm 8:1)
My guilt and cross laid on Your shoulders (Is 53:6; Rm 4:25;  1 Pt 2:24)
In my place You suffered bled and died (Rm 5:6; Col 2:14; 1 Pt 3:18)
You rose, the grave and death are conquered (Rm 1:4; 1 Co 15:55-57)
You broke my bonds of sin and shame (Rm 6:4-8, 8:2; Gal 5:1)
O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer (1 Pt 2:4)
May all my days bring glory to Your Name (Eph 1:4-6; 1 Co 10:31; 1 Pt 2:12)

Written by Nathan Stiff © 2017 Sovereign Grace Worship CCLI #193208

Before the Throne of God Above - September 2019

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Hang around Christians for long enough and you’re bound to hear a John Newton quote. Not only for writing Amazing Grace, the most recognizable song of the last 200 years, but also for beautifully and succinctly expressing some of the most relatable truths of the Christian life. Some have said that Gospel growth and maturity leads to a greater awareness of our sin and yet a deepening confidence in Christ. Of such an experience, Newton wrote late in life: “Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.” What simplicity.

And still, how often does the enemy seek to hold our sin in front of our face, accusing us of our inadequacy to stand before God? What makes this temptation often so effective is that the enemy’s lie is built on a half-truth. It’s true that we can’t stand before God in our own strength or effort, but the full truth is that for those united with Christ, we can stand before God in His righteousness! Look at Jude 1:24: “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy.” What glory.


In our discipleship class on the book of Revelation, we saw in chapter 4 how the eternal worship of God is Christ-centered. The centrality of Christ upon our everyday lives of worship means that though we see how great our sin is before a holy God, we trust in our greater Savior who stood in our place so we might stand in His (2 Cor 5:21). We don’t get bogged down into a pit of self-pity, but rather we look up to see our value as Christ’s ransomed possession. The centrality of Christ upon our corporate worship together means that every single week, we must liturgically walk through the Gospel in everything we do, say, sing, pray, preach, and see. Because the only way to respond to a holy God, to stand before Him, is through Christ. We must never dare to approach God apart from Christ.

Modern hymn “Before the Throne of God Above” helps us to remember that we can boldly approach the throne of grace in the name of our Great High Priest who pleads the case we could not plead for ourselves. In Him we are righteous, holy, accepted, and loved with an everlasting love. Let’s sing it boldly and joyfully!

- Jonathan

Before the Throne of God Above

Written by Charitie Lees Bancroft, Vikki Cook


Before the throne of God above (Rev 5:7-15)
I have a strong and perfect plea (1 Tim 2:5; Jude 1:24)
A great High Priest whose name is love (Heb 4:14)
Who ever lives and pleads for me (Heb 7:25)
My name is graven on His hands (Is 49:16; Jn 10:28)
My name is written on His heart (Eph 1:4-6; Heb 12:23; Rev 21:27)
I know that while in heaven He stands (Rev 11:15)
No tongue can bid me thence depart (1 Cor 1:8) 

When Satan tempts me to despair (2 Cor 11:3; James 1:14-15)
And tells me of the guilt within (1 Thess 3:5; Rev 12:10)
Upward I look and see Him there (Heb 4:14; Jam 1:12; Rev 12:11)
Who made an end of all my sin (John 1:29; Gal 2:20; 1 Thess 3:13)
Because the sinless Savior died (Rom 3:25; Phil 2:8)
My sinful soul is counted free (John 8:36; 1 Pet 1:3)
For God the Just is satisfied (Rom 3:26)
To look on Him and pardon me (Rom 3:24-25)

Behold Him there, the risen Lamb (Lk 24:6-7; Rev 5:6; 17:14)
My perfect, spotless Righteousness (Rom 3:22; 2 Cor 5:21)
The great unchangeable I Am (Is 9:6; Jn 1:1, 10:30, 14:9-11; Hb 13:8)
The King of glory and of grace (Ps 24:8; John 1:14; Rev 19:16)
One with Himself, I cannot die (Jn 8:51; Rom 6:5; 1 Cor 1:9)
My soul is purchased by His blood (Rom 5:9; 1 Cor 6:20; 1 Pet 1:19)
My life is hid with Christ on high (John 6:37; Col 3:3; 1 Pet 1:4)
With Christ my Savior and my God (Mt 28:20; Rom 6:23; Jude 1:25)

© 1997 Sovereign Grace Worship / CCLI #193208