Teaching Passage: Philippians 1:12-14
The Advancement of Joy
Set List:
May the Peoples Praise You
Good, Good Father
Lord, I Need You
10,000 Reasons
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me
O Church, Arise
Singing From The Heart
A collection of songs we're singing and the heart behind why we're singing them. Ephesians 5:19-21
May the Peoples Praise You
Good, Good Father
Lord, I Need You
10,000 Reasons
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me
O Church, Arise
In the battle against selfishness, it’s often said, “Tis better to give than receive.” While I get the heart behind this statement, I’d like to argue for a Biblical reframing. I think the overwhelming testimony of Scripture is that it’s best to receive and then give. Recognizing that we have nothing in and of ourselves to offer except what’s been given to us from God, Scripture calls us to joyfully share it with others.
From the start, God’s people have been recipients of God’s rich blessing. But it was never to be hoarded or hidden. Instead, God blessed his people for the purpose of blessing more. Think about the call of Abraham in Gen, 12:2-3: “I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing... in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” At this monumental milestone in Covenant history, God has the nations in mind.
Or think about Christ’s call in Matt. 28:18–19: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” He’d continue to be with them spiritually as God’s grace overflowed in them and through them to the nations.
And consider how Paul encouraged the church in 2 Cor. 9:11: “You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way.” God is truly merciful and gracious in giving eternal life to any of us through Christ His Son. And the heart of the Gospel must be our foremost focus in reaching our community, our own country, and every nation on earth. Still, in God’s wisdom and purposes, He blesses some with material blessing so that they can in turn be a material blessing to others.
During our time in Australia, I had the pleasure of seeing this wonderful piece of original artwork by my friend Jahmayne Coolwell. May all the nations praise the name of Jesus!
Based on Psalm 67, this modern hymn is a call to worship and a call to mission. It helps us celebrate our standing in Christ and orient our lives to the purpose of God’s blessing. This blessing culminates in the ultimate worship service where every tribe, tongue, and nation gathers around the throne praising the Lamb who was slain, singing “Holy, Holy, Holy!”
- Jonathan
Written by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, David Zimmer, Stuart Townend, and Ed Cash,
Verse 1
You have called us out of darkest night
Into Your glorious light
That we may sing the wonders of
The risen Christ
Verse 2
May our every breath retell the grace
That broke into our strife
With boundless love and deepest joy
With endless life
May the peoples praise You
Let the nations be glad
All Your blessing comes
That we may praise
May praise the Name of Jesus
Verse 3
All the earth is Yours and all within
Each harvest is Your own
And from Your hand we give to You
To make Christ known
Verse 4
May the seeds of mercy grow in us
For those who have not heard
May songs of praise build lives of grace
To spread Your Word
Verse 5
This our holy privilege to declare
Your praises and Your name
To every nation, tribe and tongue,
Your church proclaims
Holy, holy is the Lord Almighty
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Holy, holy is the Lord Almighty
All creation praise Your glorious Name
©2016 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Townend Songs (PRS) / Alletrop Music (BMI)