Teaching Passage: Romans 6:1-14
Flying United
No, to continuing in sin (v. 1, 2)
Not that we died to the desire of sin.
Not that we died to the pressure of sin.
Not that we died to the penalty of sin.
We have died to the rule of sin.
Yes, to living united to Christ (v. 3-11)
If we are united to Christ then our sin should be:
crucified (killed, mortified)
buried (put away), that we would be
raised to walk in a new life (a resurrection life)
Presenting ourselves to God as those under grace (v. 12-14)
Set List:
Lord Most High
O Worship the King
God, You’re So Good
King of Glory
A Mighty Fortress is our God
What a Beautiful Name
May the Mind/Holy, Holy, Holy