
Grace Alone - June 2019

Have you ever considered why jewelers show diamonds against a black cloth? Six years ago when God, in His great kindness, convinced Emily to marry me, I went shopping for her engagement ring. So my cousin, RUF campus minister, and I head on down to a jewelry store in downtown Atlanta. After telling him what I’m there for, the jeweler escorts us to his diamond case. All I can say is “wow!” I mean, these things are magnificent, each one sparkling brightly when the light strikes it at just the right angle. Picking out a few to take a closer look, he does something really interesting and places them on a black velvet cloth. This allows each diamond to not only sparkle all the brighter but gives us a chance to really catch all the detailed intricacies of what makes it so captivating.

It’s kind of like that with the Gospel. How beautiful is the good news that sinners can be reconciled to a holy God through the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ? But when seen against the black stark backdrop of sin, the beauty of the Gospel shines all the brighter!

Romans 3_23-24.png

You begin to see all the detailed intricacies of what it means that Christ gave His life for us. You can truly appreciate and glory in the grace of God to even allow sinners to approach a holy God through our great Savior. And you come to realize that Salvation is only ever by grace alone through faith alone, and not by anything you could ever do to earn it. In fact, you learn how inwardly (and often outwardly) you were running from God, and all along, it was God who moved you, by His Spirit, to believe and trust in Jesus. More personally, you learn how the Gospel can be applied to each aspect of your life, like a healing balm on your darkest areas of sin, and empower you to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.

We must talk about sin because it makes the cross of Christ appear all the more glorious. And we must talk about grace because it increases all the more our view of God’s glory and sovereignty.

How much theology can be packed into a single song? In Grace Alone, Dustin Kensrue helps us look at the beauty of the Gospel against the backdrop of our sin. Notice the Father, Son, and Spirit progression as we explore the sweet doctrine of Salvation by grace alone.

Grace Alone

Written by Dustin Kensrue


I was an orphan lost at the fall
Running away when I'd hear you call
But Father you worked your will
I had no righteousness of my own
I had no right to draw near your throne
But Father you loved me still

And in love before you laid the world's foundation
You predestined to adopt me as your own
You have raised me up so high above my station
I'm a child of God by grace and grace alone

You left your home to seek out the lost
You knew the great and terrible cost
But Jesus your face was set
I worked my fingers down to the bone
But nothing I did could ever atone
But Jesus you paid my debt

By Your blood I have redemption and salvation
Lord you died that I might reap what you have sown
And you rose that I might be a new creation
I am born again by grace and grace alone

I was in darkness all of my life
I never knew the day from the night
But Spirit you made me see
I thought I knew the way on my own
Head full of rocks a heart made of stone
But Spirit you moved in me

And at your touch my sleeping spirit was awakened
On my darkened heart the light of Christ has shone
Called into a kingdom that cannot be shaken
Heaven's citizen by grace and grace alone

So I'll stand in faith by grace and grace alone
I will run the race by grace and grace alone
I will slay my sin by grace and grace alone
I will reach the end by grace and grace alone

© 2013 Dead Bird Theology, It's All About Jesus Music,
We Are Younger We Are Faster Music | CCLI License # 193208

His Mercy is More - Mar 2019

He will again have compassion on us

he will tread our iniquities underfoot

You will cast all our sins

into the depths of the sea

- Micah 7:19

There have been times in my life where I’ve had a clouded view of God’s love. Maybe you’ve had a similar experience? Seasons of doubt, rebellion, pride, and disobedience, coming face-to-face with my sin, wondering whether God’s mercy really could go that far. In my head, knowing what the Bible says, but in a moment feeling the heaviness of my sin. Utterly broken. Surely, I’ve exhausted God’s patience?

In moments like these we need the church to remind us who we are. Brothers and sisters in Christ, not to pick us up, but to point us to the only One who raises us to new life (Col 2). Friends who won’t just offer advice, but who offer God’s Word to remind us that the blood of Christ is sufficient to cover all our sin (Eph 1:7, Heb 10:14, 2 Cor 12:9)! So that instead of turning to our own strength, we can turn to the very Spirit of God working powerfully within us (Rom 8:13). Remembering that for those who would throw themselves on the mercies of God, trusting in the redemptive work of Christ, God really has removed our transgressions as far as the east is from the west (Ps 103:12).

This beautiful modern hymn from Matt Papa and Matt Boswell was inspired by a letter written by John Newton (writer of “Amazing Grace”):

For the more we know of ourselves, the more we shall prize and love Jesus and His salvation. I hope what you find in yourself by daily experience will humble you, but not discourage you: humble you it should, and I believe it does.

Are not you amazed sometimes that you should have so much as a hope, that, poor and needy as you are, the Lord thinketh of you?

But let not all you feel discourage you. For if our Physician is almighty, our disease cannot be desperate and if He casts none out that come to Him, why should you fear?

Our sins are many, but His mercies are more: our sins are great, but His righteousness is greater: we are weak, but He is power. Most of our complaints are owing to unbelief, and the remainder of a legal spirit. And these evils are not removed in a day.

Wait on the Lord, and He will enable you to see more and more of the power and grace of our High Priest.

No matter how bad we’ve been, no matter how far we’ve run from God, no matter awful our sin, His mercy is more. This is incredibly good news! What other response can we have than to praise the Lord for His glorious grace in Christ Jesus!

His Mercy is More

Written by Matt Papa & Matt Boswell


What love could remember no wrongs we have done?
Omniscient, all-knowing, He counts not their sum
Thrown into a sea without bottom or shore
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more!

Praise the Lord, His mercy is more!
Stronger than darkness, New every morn’
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more!

What patience would wait as we constantly roam?
What Father so tender is calling us home?
He welcomes the weakest, the vilest, the poor
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more!

What riches of kindness He lavished on us?
His blood was the payment His life was the cost
We stood ‘neath a debt we could never afford
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more!

© 2016 Getty Music Hymns and Songs, Getty Music Publishing, Love Your Enemies Publishing, Messenger Hymns / CCLI #193208

Also appearing on the Getty’s Newest Album

Click album cover to listen